Introduction to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Have you ever considered constructing a separate property in your own backyard?
The process may seem daunting due to the numerous laws and regulations involved. However, fear not! This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about ADU construction in Los Angeles. ADUs have been gaining popularity among homeowners due to their versatility. Whether you require additional space for accommodating guests or in-laws, hosting house parties, or even generating rental income, an ADU can cater to your specific needs.
So, what exactly is an ADU? An Accessory Dwelling Unit is a secondary housing unit located on a single-family lot. Typically smaller than the main house, ADUs are often detached from the primary dwelling. These units are commonly referred to as granny flats or mother-in-law houses. Historically, they were constructed to provide separate living spaces for extended family members or newlyweds, ensuring privacy for all individuals involved. In essence, ADUs are independent living spaces that coexist on the same lot as the main home. They possess all the necessary amenities and functionalities of a complete household.
The benefits of building ADUs in Los Angeles are plentiful. Two key advantages include the additional living space they provide and the lower construction costs associated with them. These benefits are the cornerstone of all other advantages that come with accessory dwelling units. Other notable benefits include:
1. Generate Passive Income ADUs can serve as a reliable source of passive income. With their own entrance, living room, kitchen, dining area, bathroom, and bedroom, ADUs can easily be rented out as a separate living space.
2. Increase Property Value In addition to generating income, ADUs are a popular addition that can boost the overall value of a property. Studies have shown that adding an ADU can increase a home’s resale value by up to 35%.
3. Accommodate Family and Friends ADUs are a great option for homeowners who enjoy hosting guests but lack sufficient space within their main house. These units provide a comfortable living space for visitors while maintaining their privacy.
4. Support Senior Family Members ADUs, also known as mother-in-law suites or granny flats, offer an ideal solution for elderly family members seeking independence while staying close to loved ones.
5. Assist Adult Children and College Graduates Research indicates that a significant percentage of young adults plan to move back in with their parents after college. ADUs provide an affordable housing option for parents looking to support their children while maintaining their own living space.